Autors: David Winston, Steven Maimes (Co-Autor, Co-Autorin)
An updated and expanded edition of the definitive guide to adaptogenic herbs, this resource includes a Materia Medica with monographs covering 25 adaptogens, including eleuthero, ginseng, rhodiola, schisandra, ashwagandha, licorice, shatavari, reishi, and holy basil, as well as complementary nervines, restorative tonics, and nootropics.
„I consider this book essential for clinical herbal practice. It is also excellent for all serious students and home herbalists. It reduces to gentle readability the problems inherent in the concept of the adaptogen, rescuing it from both faddism and skepticism, defining it against a backdrop of related and different concepts. It then provides an apothecary of adaptogens that is comprehensive, practical, and will instill confidence in the herbalist using these important plant medicines.“
An updated and expanded edition of the definitive guide to adaptogenic herbs
- Includes a Materia Medica with monographs covering 25 adaptogens, including eleuthero, ginseng, rhodiola, schisandra, ashwagandha, licorice, shatavari, reishi, and holy basil, as well as complementary nervines, restorative tonics, and nootropics
- Explains how adaptogens increase the body’s resistance to adverse influences, increase energy and stamina, and counter the effects of age and stress on the body
- Details the actions, properties, preparation, and dosage for each herb and their uses in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine and as remedies for animals
Every day our bodies strive to adapt and stay balanced, energized, and healthy, yet chronic stress and the resulting elevation of stress hormones such as cortisol have been shown to be major factors behind not only fatigue and weight gain but also many chronic and degenerative diseases. In this updated edition of the definitive guide to adaptogenic herbs, clinical herbalist David Winston and researcher Steven Maimes provide a comprehensive look at adaptogens: non-toxic herbs such as ginseng, eleuthero, and ashwagandha that help the body „adapt“ to the many influences it encounters and manage the stresses it experiences. They also increase stamina and energy, boost cognitive function, restore the immune system, and counter the effects of aging, especially when used in appropriate combinations.
Beginning with a history of the use of adaptogens, including in Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and Russian medicine, the book examines how these herbal remedies work and why they are so effective at combating stress-induced illness and ailments. The extensive Materia Medica includes monographs on 25 adaptogens, including eleuthero, ginseng, rhodiola, schisandra, ashwagandha, shatavari, reishi, and holy basil, as well as complementary nervines, restorative tonics, and nootropic herbs, such as milky oats, astragalus, St. John’s wort, and ginkgo. Each monograph presents the latest scientific research and details the origin, traditional and clinical uses, actions, properties, preparation, and dosage for each herb. The book also includes guidance on adaptogenic remedies for our animal companions.
Aimed not only at herbalists but also those interested in natural health, this guide to adaptogens will allow you to safely and effectively use these herbal remedies to enhance your health and improve your chances of living a longer, healthier, and well-balanced life.
Autors: David Winston, Steven Maimes (Co-Autor, Co-Autorin)
David Winston, RH(AHG), is a clinical herbalist and ethnobotanist with 50 years of training in Chinese, Western/Eclectic, and Southeastern herbal traditions. He is a founding member of the American Herbalists Guild, the founder/director of the Herbal Therapeutics Research Library, and the dean of David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies. He lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Steven Maimes has studied natural medicine for over 30 years. A researcher, freelance writer, and principal of SALAM Research, he lives in Rochester, New Hampshire.
ISBN/GTIN: 978-1-62055-958-1
Produktart: Buch
Einbandart: Kartonierter Einband
Format: Trade Paperback (UK)
Verlag: Simon & Schuster N.Y., Healing Arts Press
Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Erstverkaufstag: 17.10.2019
Seiten 432 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Masse: Breite 152 mm, Höhe 229 mm, Dicke 23 mm
Gewicht: 576 g
Illustrationen: Includes 16-page color insert and 2 b&w illustrations