
Produkt Preis Anzahl Zwischensumme
× Ayahuasca Soul Medicine of the Amazon Jungle Ayahuasca - Soul Medicine of the Amazon Jungle - buch
1 x CHF 26.90
CHF 26.90
CHF 26.90
× Journal of the Psychonaut Journal of the Psychonaut - buch
1 x CHF 19.50
CHF 19.50
CHF 19.50
× How Psychedelics Can Help Save the World How Psychedelics Can Help Save the World - Visionary and Indigenous Voices Speak Out - buch
1 x CHF 29.90
CHF 29.90
CHF 29.90
× Hunter Gatherers Guide to the 21st Century A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century - Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life - buch
1 x CHF 40.50
CHF 40.50
CHF 40.50
× Lucys Rausch Nr.07 Lucys Rausch Nr. 7 - Sonderausgabe - buch
1 x CHF 18.50
CHF 18.50
CHF 18.50


Zwischensumme CHF 135.30

Versandoptionen werden während des Bezahlvorgangs aktualisiert.

8.1% MwSt CHF 10.96
Gesamtsumme CHF 163.26

